The Benefits of a Global Footprint: Connecting Rod Repair “On the Fly”

If your ships operate globally, then you benefit from relying on a service partner that has a truly global footprint. This post neatly exemplifies this fact.

The subject is an American-owned, 9’000 TEU container ship with an 82-bore main engine. The vessel experiences a crosshead bearing failure while crossing the Atlantic. We repaired it “on the fly” with a minimum of down-time:

  1. During the last days of 2020, the vessel experiences a severe crosshead bearing failure close to Bermuda island. The crosshead pin and connecting rod are found severely damaged and are in need of repair or replacement. Our experts assess the situation and give remote assistance to the crew during removal of the connecting rod from the engine. Once that is done, the vessel continues its journey towards Europe with one cylinder cut out.
  2. On 15 January 2021, the vessel arrives in Algeciras. The damaged connecting rod gets offloaded and is transported by truck to our workshop in Genoa.
  3. It arrives at our works on 18 January and at once undergoes repairing. After completion of the repair, we ship the connecting rod by air freight from Milan, via Doha, to Singapore. It arrives in Singapore in the morning of 05 February 2021.
  4. Our technicians in Singapore assist the crew to reinstall it. After a short and successful trial run, the ship continues its journey towards the South China Sea.

QuantiServ operates out of 15 locations that are strategically placed along major shipping routes or close to important ports. Wherever your ships go, we are never far away.

Severely damaged crosshead bearing bore
Severely damaged crosshead bearing bore
Close-up of the damaged area
Close-up of the damaged area
While sailing with one cylinder cut out
While sailing with one cylinder cut out
After initial cleaning
After initial cleaning
Remachining of the bore
Remachining of the bore in Genoa
Crosshead bearing bore after machining
Crosshead bearing bore after machining
Corrosion protected and ready for dispatch
Corrosion protected and ready for dispatch
Connecting Rod ready for dispatch
Connecting Rod ready for dispatch