QuantiServ offers specialised, fast and reliable support, maintenance and repair services for customers operating equipment by multiple brands, both in the marine and energy sectors.
The QuantiServ team currently consists of some 400 specialised professionals. They provide reconditioning and in-situ services as well as flexible repair and overhaul services for auxiliary and generating sets onboard customers’ vessels. The repair and overhaul services are carried out by “Mobile Teams”, which board the customer’s vessel and perform the job during the voyage.
QuantiServ makes it easier for our customers to plan their maintenance and service operations as well as to run and optimise their installations – regardless of the brand of their equipment. QuantiServ offers a fast and simple solution for maintenance and repair, especially in non-planned and emergency situations. The dedicated QuantiServ team is equipped with leading technology and know-how, certified expertise to match IMO requirements, extensive OEM experience and unmatched global reach.
QuantiServ Key Data 2021: